If you want to make things a bit smoother and ensure that you find the right home to buy, there are a few important tips that you should remember:
• Figure out the finance first
Before you start to look for a home to buy, you should first look at your finances. Unless you happen to be extremely wealthy, odds are you’re going to borrow via a mortgage – so you need to figure out how much you can afford to pay as a down-payment, and the monthly loan repayments that you can afford too.
Be sure to also factor in other expenses, such as moving costs, legal fees, tax, and so on.
• List down what you need and want
Take a few minutes to list down exactly what you need in a new home (in terms of bedrooms and bathrooms, location, and so on). Additionally come up with another list of what you want – which should cover any preferences that you may have, but that you will be able to do without if necessary.
By coming up with a list of both your needs and wants, it will make it a whole lot easier for you to browse through and eliminate any listings that don’t make the cut.
• Look in as many places as possible
Online listings and property platforms have made it easier than ever to search for a new home – but you shouldn’t limit yourself to them. Instead you should look in as many places as possible, and contact estate agents too.
Some estate agents may have exclusive listings that you won’t find elsewhere or even preconstruction deals. If you want you could look at the Markham preconstruction condos as an example.
• View as many times as you need to
Viewing a home is crucial, and you should remember to view it as many times as you need to before you’re comfortable with your decision. Typically the first viewing should be to narrow down your choices, and subsequent viewings are to check up on specific areas.
It can help to arrange different viewings at different times of the day so that you are able to check out what the neighborhood is like at all hours.
No matter what you do, try not to get swept up in the excitement of being able to buy and move into a new home. Ideally you should take your time and carefully go through all the options that are on the table, while looking at them from every possible angle.
Always remember that buying a new home is a big decision, and it is definitely not one that you want to make hastily, or rush into.